Use this to look at how false positive rate for 1 sample t.test changes with a bunch of parameters.

False positive rate

A quick definition: the FPR is the number of false positives (Type-I, rejection of the null when H0=T) out of the total number of positives (Type-I errors + true positives).

In math:

\[\text{fp.rate} = \frac{\text{fp}}{\text{fp} + \text{tp}}\]

where fp is the number of false positives, and tp is the number of true positives that we are able to detect (more on that below).

Simulating false positives

A preview of the heart of the simulation below. Basically, we’re going to look at how the false positive rate changes when you perform a bunch of study replications (iter) each with some number of tests (tests, which you can think of as the number of voxels), for a particular sample size (N observations, i.e., participants, per study). For some proportion of the tests, the null hypothesis is actually true (that proportion is pH0), and for some, the alternative is true (pH1). Here’s the heart of the simulations:

replicate(iter, data.frame(fp=sum(replicate(round(pH0*tests),
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1))$p.value<alpha)),
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, d, 1))$p.value<alpha)))

I’ll gradually build up the above code, from the inside out, following fp= (I’ll describe the code following tp= below:

  1. We draw N random numbers from a normal distribution centered at 0 (our null hypothesis): rnorm(N, 0, 1)
  2. We then calculate a 1 sample t-test to see what the probability is that we would get a set of values like those we drew in (1) if we were drawning them from a distribution with a mean that is not equal to 0. That is our p-value. We check if that p-value is < alpha: t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1))$p.value<alpha
  3. We replicate the above for however many of the tests in tests are supposed to actually have H0=T (pH0*tests). So if we have 100 tests, and 90% are really null effects, we’ll replication the code in (1-2) 90 times. Putting it all together gives us:

    replicate(round(pH0*tests), t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1))$p.value<alpha))
  4. We don’t save the value of every replicated test out of those 90 – we just want to know how many false positives we get – so we use sum and save that in the fp column. In other words, fp will become a column where each row is the number of false positives for 1 of the iter studies we’re simulating.
  5. Skipping over tp= for now, suffice it to say that we want to simulate a bunch (however many in iter) of studies. So we’re going to use replicate to wrap the whole thing, so that for each study in iter we create a data.frame that has a count of the false positives for that simulated study, as well as a count of the true positives.

On average (e.g., over 1000 repetitions), about 5% of the tests where H0=T in any study should be significant (if alpha=.05). Any given study may have more or less than 5% of the tests of true-negative voxels showing activation, but over time, the expectation is that only 5% of the tests will give a false positive.


When we control the family-wise error rate, we’re not trying to just control the error rate for each test in a particular study. If we were okay with any given activation being a false positive about 5% of the time, that would be a fine thing to do. What we’re actually going for with FWE is to control the rate at which we see at least 1 false activation out of all the tests. That is, for some number of tests per study, say 100, we only want 5% of all studies (each with multiple tests) to give us one or more false positives. That’s why FWE involves ratcheting down alpha so much (using bonferroni, for example).

To go into this logic a bit further: if you repeat a study consisting of a single test where the null is actually true, in the long run there is a 95% chance (if alpha=.05) that any given study will not yield a test statistic that has a p value less than .05. If you have two tests per study, there is only a 95% x 95% = 0.9025 chance that neither of the two tests will yield a test statistic with a p-value < .05 (and so your alpha across the family of those two tests is now effectively 1 - .952 = 0.0975, rather than .05. Intuitively, now you’ve got two tests to worry about producing an extreme statistic just by chance, and it doesn’t matter which one does. This problem blows up pretty quickly. For 100 tests, each with alpha set at .05, your family-wise alpha becomes 1 - .95100 = 0.994. Yep, that means out of 1000 studies, each with 100 tests, about 994 of them will have at least 1 false positive. You’ll see this actually happen in our simulation. Bonferroni correction reduces this problem with brute force by just decreasing the per-test (or per-voxel) alpha by a factor of the number of tests. So for 100 test, p<.05 become p<.0005, and now our FWE alpha is 1 - .9995100 = 0.049. It’s slightly conservative, but super easy to apply.

The simulation will show how FWE and the false positive rate both behave across a range of test-wise alpha levels.

True positives

Again, a preview of the simulation code:

replicate(iter, data.frame(fp=sum(replicate(round(pH0*tests),
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1))$p.value<alpha)),
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, d, 1))$p.value<alpha)))

In the replicate call after tp=, we do the same sort of thing as I described above – the steps are exactly the same – except now we draw our random numbers from a normal distribution centered at our effect size (say, .2 for a very common psychological effect size): rnorm(N, d, 1), where d is the effect size (the 1 following it is the standard deviation). In this case, the sum of this set of tests with p < alpha is the number of true positives out of the proportion of tests (pH1) where we know H1=T (because we’ve set it up to be true). The number of true positives out of possible true positives is a function of power, and indeed, the long-run average proportion of the number of true positives we can detect out of all of them is going to be equivalent to power (so if, on average, we detect 2 out of 10 true positives, our power is .2).

The number of true positives we can detect will go into the total number of detected activations (fp + tp), which will be the denominator of our false positive rate. So you can already see that power, along with the number of tests where H1=T out of the total number of tests, will play a big role in determining the false positive rate.

The Simulation parameters

So, looking again at the simulation code, above or below, you’ll notice that we get the number of true positives and false positives for each study a bunch of times – that’s what the first call to replicate(iter, ... is doing. I’ve set iter=1000 below, and the other parameters should match up with the text above, more or less.

You can play with these, though, to see how they effect the numbers we get out below.

#percent voxels/clusters etc where H0=T
pH0 <- .9
#percent voxels/clusters etc where H1=T
pH1 <- 1-pH0
#sample size for 1 study
N <- 50
#standardized H1 effect (e.g., d=.2)
d <- .2
#alpha level
alpha <- .05
#number of tests in 1 study (e.g., voxels)
tests <- 100
#number of study replications
iter <- 1000


Generate the data… (this takes about 10 seconds on my computer)

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
simfunction <- function(iter, pH0, pH1, tests, N, alpha, d, summarize.pvals=T) {
    #This code has changed a bit since I wrote the above, 
    #but it still basically works the same way. This
    #just allows one to return each t.test if return.all==T
        manyrepsDF <- bind_rows(replicate(iter, 
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1))$p.value<alpha,
                                           t.test(rnorm(N, d, 1))$p.value<alpha,
        repStats <- within(manyrepsDF, { #For each row do:
                          FWE <- as.numeric(fp>0) #is there at least 1 false positive?
                          total.hits <- fp+tp #how many detections?
                          FP.rate <- fp/total.hits #fp rate
                          fp.prop <- fp/round(pH0*tests) #out of all our tests of H0 voxels, how many positives?
                          tp.prop <- tp/round(pH1*tests) #out of all our tests of H1 voxels, how many positives?
    } else {
        manyrepsDF.all <-bind_rows(replicate(iter, 
                                          t.test(rnorm(N, 0, 1)),
                                          t.test(rnorm(N, d, 1)),

firstSimFN <- './first_sim.rds'
    repStats <- readRDS(firstSimFN)
} else {
    repStats <- simfunction(iter, pH0, pH1, tests, N, alpha, d)
    saveRDS(repStats, firstSimFN)

Summary of replications

#This is a summary of the distribution of the percent of false positives
kable(data.frame(mean=repSums <- round(colMeans(repStats, na.rm=T),4)),
fp 4.5370
tp 2.8750
tp.prop 0.2875
fp.prop 0.0504
FP.rate 0.6001
total.hits 7.4120
FWE 0.9860

In the summary means above you can see that on average, we get about 4.537 false positives per study, and 2.875 true positives. This gives us an average false positive rate of 0.6001. Notice that the average proportion of tests within each study that are false positives is what we’d expect with alpha = 0.05 (fp.prop = 0.0504). Also notice our less-than-ideal power of 0.2875. Finally, check out the FWE = 0.986. That’s about what we calculated above, assuming voxel wise alpha is actually set at .05.

Here are some histograms over our iterations:

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

FP Rate at different alphas

What might be interesting is to see how this stuff changes as we start to control our FWE, and as our sample size changes (I’m going to leave our effect size at .2 because this is pretty good guess for effect sizes and we really don’t have much control over this parameter).


fweSimsFN <- './fwe_sims.rds'
    fweSims <- readRDS(fweSimsFN)
} else {
    fweSims <- mclapply(seq(.05/100, .05, length.out=16), function(x){
                    repStats <- simfunction(iter=1000,
                    repSums <- data.frame(t(colMeans(repStats, na.rm=T)))
      }, mc.cores=8)
    saveRDS(fweSims, fweSimsFN)
fweSimsDF <-, fweSims)

with(fweSimsDF, qplot(alpha, FWE)+geom_smooth()+scale_x_reverse()+geom_hline(yintercept=.05))

In the above plot, you can see that we improve FWE down to alpha=.05 by reducing the test- or voxel-wise alpha.

with(fweSimsDF, qplot(FWE, FP.rate)+geom_smooth()+scale_x_reverse())

This helps the rate of false positives, which drops as we approach FWE<.05.

with(fweSimsDF, qplot(FWE, tp.prop)+geom_smooth()+scale_x_reverse())

But by controlling FWE we also reduce power (in each study, or proportion of detected true positives (tp) to total true positives descends to 0.017. Yep, 1.7% power.

To give you an idea of why the false positive rate goes down even though both false positive detection and true positive detection goes down, look at this graph:

with(fweSimsDF, qplot(fp.prop, tp.prop)+geom_smooth()+scale_x_reverse())

You can see that tp.prop decreases less quickly than fp.prop (at least at first).

False positive rates in practice (not simulation)

Though this simulation can tell us a good deal about the behavior of false positive rates relative to FWE in general, there is very little we can actually know about the false positive rate in any given study. Recall the above formula for calculating the false positive rate:

\[\text{fp.rate} = \frac{\text{fp}}{\text{fp} + \text{tp}}\]

Imagine trying to take the number of significant tests (activated voxels) in some particular study and breaking them out into true positives (tp) and false positives (fp). What really matters in this case is the base rate of true positives and false positives. Imagine that 99 of the 100 tests are performed on data with a mean that is really not 0 (H1=T). You’d be right to guess that a lot more of the positive detections in the denominator ought to arise from those true effects. Of course, if you knew that, you wouldn’t have to science it out. So how does the false positive rate change as a function of the proportion of truly H0 tests and truly H1 tests?

In the plots below, I’m going to narrow the range of alpha a bit, because nobody uses a test-wise alpha=.05. We’ll start at .025 and go to .0005 (bonferroni corrected for 100 tests).

h0toh1grid <- unlist(apply(expand.grid(pH0=seq(.1, .9, length.out=10),
              alpha=seq(.05/100, .025, length.out=40)),
            1, list), recursive=F)

h0SimsFN <- './h0_sims.rds'
    h0Sims <- readRDS(h0SimsFN)
} else {
    h0Sims <- mclapply(h0toh1grid, function(x){
                   repStats <- simfunction(iter=1000,
                   repSums <- data.frame(t(colMeans(repStats, na.rm=T)))
      }, mc.cores=8)
    saveRDS(h0Sims, h0SimsFN)

h0SimsDF <-, h0Sims)

h0SimsDF$pH1 <- as.factor(round(1-h0SimsDF$pH0, 2))

h1graph <- function(yvarname){
    ggplot(h0SimsDF, aes_string(x='alpha', y=yvarname, group='pH1'))+
        geom_vline(xintercept=.0005, color='red', alpha=.5)+
        geom_line(aes(color=pH1), stat='smooth', method='loess')+

h1graph('FP.rate')+geom_vline(xintercept=1-exp(log(.3)/100), alpha=.3)

In the above graph, you can see that controlling FWE via test-wise alpha makes a difference to the false positive rate, but also as a function of the proportion of H1=T and H0=T tests (pH1 is the proportion of H1=T tests). And of course in practice, you never know that proportion. To interpret the y axis in terms of FWE, the gray line is at Eklund et al.’s estimate of a true FWE of alpha=.7 for some cluster FWE corrections (70% error level). Depending on the proportion of true activations to false ones, we get false-positive rates between barely anything and above 40%.

Even at FWE alpha=.05 (the red line), the potential false positive rate is pretty broad. This is largely because with d=.2 and N=50, we have very poor power.


Power is not a function of the proportion of H1=T and H0=T tests.


Total hits is a function of H1=T : H0=T.

h1graph('FWE')+geom_hline(yintercept=.05)+geom_vline(xintercept=1-exp(log(.3)/100), alpha=.3)

The above graph shows that when you control FWE, you’re only setting an upper limit. Notice that depending on the proportion of true versus false activations, the actual FWE for any given test-wise alpha can vary considerably. This limit applies to the case where the proportion of H1=T tests is 0. If you’re in a situation with some tests where H1=T, your actual FWE is going to be less than this threshold. You can also see that at our bonferroni corrected test-wise alpha of .0005 (red vertical line), our FWE is < .05 (black horizontal line).

Sample Size

Because power is such a huge consideration (and the major problem in the above graphs), let’s do the same thing now varying sample size. We’ll keep alpha constant now at a bonferroni corrected .05/100 = .0005. We’ll also keep d at .2 (again, a pretty reasonable effect size estimate). We can now look at how the false positive rate and power change as a function of sample size and the proportion of H1=T versus H0=T tests.

NandH0toH1grid <- unlist(apply(expand.grid(pH0=seq(.1, .9, length.out=10),
                       N=seq(20, 200, length.out=40)),
                   1, list), recursive=F)

alpha.c <- .05/100

NandH0SimsFN <- './NandH0_sims.rds'
    NandH0Sims <- readRDS(NandH0SimsFN)
} else {
    NandH0Sims <- mclapply(NandH0toH1grid, function(x){
                       repStats <- simfunction(iter=1000,
                       repSums <- data.frame(t(colMeans(repStats, na.rm=T)))
      }, mc.cores=8)
    saveRDS(NandH0Sims, NandH0SimsFN)

NandH0SimsDF <-, NandH0Sims)

NandH0SimsDF$pH1 <- as.factor(round(1-NandH0SimsDF$pH0, 2))

NandH1graph <- function(yvarname){
    ggplot(NandH0SimsDF, aes_string(x='N', y=yvarname, group='pH1'))+
        geom_line(aes(color=pH1), stat='smooth', method='loess')

What’s a decent FP rate to aim for, anyway? There seems to be a definite elbow here at about N=100, so maybe that’s a good aim. FP rate < 10% at d=.2 and 10% H1=T? But for d=.2, power is still terrible at 100 (see below…a little over 5%).



Notice below that the number of false positives out of all the H0=T tests, and FWE don’t care at all about the sample size. And only FWE cares about the proportion of H0=T and H1=T tetsts, though you’re always below an FWE alpha=.05 if you correct correctly.



Publication Bias

This got me thinking about observed effect sizes in the literature. Surely, given the false positive rate above, the reported peak voxels in fMRI studies are a crazy mix of true and false positives. What happens if we try to recover an effect size from such a data set? What does the funnel plot look like?

As far as I can tell, even with a small true effect in this data (d=.2), it’s hard to tell from the funnel plot that anything is actually going on. Indeed, I’ve been skeptical of very similar looking plots.

Notice that if we just take an average of effect sizes across all studies, we get a rather inflated estimate, but if we try to regress out the effect of standard error on the effect size estimate, we underestimate the true effect size.

metaGrid <- unlist(apply(expand.grid(alpha=c(.001, .0005), 
                     N=c(30, 60, 120, 240)),
             1, list), recursive=F)

metaSimsFN <- './meta_sims.rds'
    metaSims <- readRDS(metaSimsFN)
} else {
    metaSims <- mclapply(metaGrid, function(x){
                     someSims <- simfunction(iter=1000,
      }, mc.cores=8)
    saveRDS(metaSims, metaSimsFN)

get.sig.t <- function(x, pcut, {

    } else {

tstats.sig <- bind_rows(metaSims) %>% 
    rowwise %>%
        THEALPHA <- .$alpha 
        newdf <- .$sims %>%
            mutate( %>%
            rowwise() %>%
            do(bind_rows(bind_rows(lapply(.$fp, get.sig.t, 
                     bind_rows(lapply(.$tp, get.sig.t, 
        newdf$alpha <- THEALPHA
        newdf$N <- .$N

aDF <- data.frame(N=1:10000)
mlmData <- bind_rows(aDF, tstats.sig) %>%
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Attaching package: 'lme4'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     sigma
mod001 <- lmer(es~1+se+(1|id), data=subset(mlmData, alpha==.001),
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: es ~ 1 + se + (1 | id)
##    Data: subset(mlmData, alpha == 0.001)
## Weights: N
## REML criterion at convergence: -10168.3
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -6.1628 -0.1928  0.0765  0.4031  2.2006 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  id       (Intercept) 0.000    0.000   
##  Residual             1.947    1.395   
## Number of obs: 6139, groups:  id, 1000
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 0.100409   0.006074   16.53
## se          2.417075   0.084654   28.55
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##    (Intr)
## se -0.978
mod001.fx <- fixef(mod001)

mod0005 <- lmer(es~1+se+(1|id), data=subset(mlmData, alpha==.0005),
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: es ~ 1 + se + (1 | id)
##    Data: subset(mlmData, alpha == 5e-04)
## Weights: N
## REML criterion at convergence: -9429.3
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7.1779 -0.2618  0.0298  0.3941  2.2852 
## Random effects:
##  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  id       (Intercept) 0.000    0.000   
##  Residual             1.498    1.224   
## Number of obs: 4770, groups:  id, 996
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 0.101229   0.006601   15.34
## se          2.606361   0.093747   27.80
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##    (Intr)
## se -0.982
mod0005.fx <- fixef(mod0005)

## Attaching package: 'MASS'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select
mod001.rlm <- rlm(es~1+se, data=subset(mlmData, alpha==.001),
## Call: rlm(formula = es ~ 1 + se, data = subset(mlmData, alpha == 0.001), 
##     weights = N)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -9.23957 -0.35814 -0.06257  0.35444  3.06358 
## Coefficients:
##             Value    Std. Error t value 
## (Intercept)   0.0220   0.0022     9.8356
## se            3.6386   0.0312   116.7210
## Residual standard error: 0.529 on 6137 degrees of freedom
mod001.rlm.fx <- coef(mod001.rlm)

mod0005.rlm <- rlm(es~1+se, data=subset(mlmData, alpha==.0005),
## Call: rlm(formula = es ~ 1 + se, data = subset(mlmData, alpha == 5e-04), 
##     weights = N)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -9.16756 -0.34768 -0.06516  0.33065  2.75872 
## Coefficients:
##             Value    Std. Error t value 
## (Intercept)   0.0177   0.0026     6.7851
## se            3.8645   0.0370   104.5326
## Residual standard error: 0.5064 on 4768 degrees of freedom
mod0005.rlm.fx <- coef(mod0005.rlm)

meanES.0005 <- mean(mlmData$es[mlmData$alpha%in%c(.0005)])
meanES.001 <- mean(mlmData$es[mlmData$alpha%in%c(.001)])

test-wise alpha < .001

In the graph below, aside from the anotated lines, the red line is the true effect size d = 0.2, and the blue line is the average effect size in this sample of study replications (d = 0.29).

mlmData %>% filter(!alpha%in%c(.001)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=1/denom, y=t/denom))+
    geom_hline(yintercept=.2, color='red', alpha=.5)+
    geom_hline(yintercept=meanES.001, color='blue', alpha=.5)+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig95, linetype='p<.05', alpha='p<.05'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig999, linetype='p<.001', alpha='p<.001'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig9995, linetype='p<.0005', alpha='p<.0005'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig95, linetype='p<.05', alpha='p<.05'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig999, linetype='p<.001', alpha='p<.001'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig9995, linetype='p<.0005', alpha='p<.0005'))+
                  x=c(0, 1)), 
          aes(x=x, y=y, linetype='mlm', alpha='mlm'))+
                  x=c(0, 1)), 
          aes(x=x, y=y, linetype='rlm', alpha='rlm'))+
    geom_point(aes(color=H0), alpha=.5, position=position_jitter(h=.01, w=.005))+
    scale_alpha_manual(breaks=c('rlm', 'mlm', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'), 
               values=c('rlm'=1, 'mlm'=1, 'p<.05'=.5, 'p<.001'=.4, 'p<.0005'=.3), 
               labels=c('rlm est', 'mlm est', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'),
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks=c('rlm', 'mlm', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'), 
                  values=c('rlm'=2, 'mlm'=1, 'p<.05'=3, 'p<.001'=3, 'p<.0005'=3), 
                  labels=c('rlm est', 'mlm est', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'),
    coord_cartesian(y=c(-1.5,1.5), x=c(-.0005, 1/30^.5))+
    labs(title='Simulated Data: Test-wise alpha<.001',
         y=expression(d=frac(Statistic, sqrt(N))))
## Warning: Removed 10000 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

test-wise alpha < .0005

In the graph below, aside from the anotated lines, the red line is the true effect size d = 0.2, and the blue line is the average effect size in this sample of study replications (d = 0.3).

mlmData %>% filter(!alpha%in%c(.0005)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=1/denom, y=t/denom))+
    geom_hline(yintercept=.2, color='red', alpha=.5)+
    geom_hline(yintercept=meanES.0005, color='blue', alpha=.5)+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig95, linetype='p<.05', alpha='p<.05'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig999, linetype='p<.001', alpha='p<.001'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=sig9995, linetype='p<.0005', alpha='p<.0005'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig95, linetype='p<.05', alpha='p<.05'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig999, linetype='p<.001', alpha='p<.001'))+
    geom_line(aes(x=1/denom, y=-sig9995, linetype='p<.0005', alpha='p<.0005'))+
                  x=c(0, 1)), 
          aes(x=x, y=y, linetype='mlm', alpha='mlm'))+
                  x=c(0, 1)), 
          aes(x=x, y=y, linetype='rlm', alpha='rlm'))+
    geom_point(aes(color=H0), alpha=.5, position=position_jitter(h=.01, w=.005))+
    scale_alpha_manual(breaks=c('rlm', 'mlm', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'), 
               values=c('rlm'=1, 'mlm'=1, 'p<.05'=.5, 'p<.001'=.4, 'p<.0005'=.3), 
               labels=c('rlm est', 'mlm est', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'),
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks=c('rlm', 'mlm', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'), 
                  values=c('rlm'=2, 'mlm'=1, 'p<.05'=3, 'p<.001'=3, 'p<.0005'=3), 
                  labels=c('rlm est', 'mlm est', 'p<.05', 'p<.001', 'p<.0005'),
    coord_cartesian(y=c(-1.5,1.5), x=c(-.0005, 1/30^.5))+
    labs(title='Simulated Data: Test-wise alpha<.0005',
         y=expression(d=frac(Statistic, sqrt(N))))
## Warning: Removed 10000 rows containing missing values (geom_point).